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was here to learn how to blog...
previously i was using wretch blog..
didn't know that after 3 month of period without signing in will cancle the acc
and since then didn't blog till now..
almost a year plus already ...
izit? lol...if i'm not mistaken ba~

i wished to post out some of the blog bout my previous things i was doing..
but i see that in blogspot cant post it out on that particular date..
i mean that only can post out blog on the time and date u were posting
kinda dissappointed >.<

P/S: will try to update as soon as possible..not really into blogging yet XD

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Meet The Author

Hello readers, passer-by, strangers & friends, this is my beautiful blog. I hope you really enjoy reading it. Most of the post are just things I would like myself to remember after years. I am like any other human, I ♥ to talk ♥ to play ♥ to shop ♥ to eat ♥ to be curious like everyone else. A girl that endeavor to make her dreams come true & explore beautiful things that caught her eyes on this Earth. And not to forget, this girl here is named Wai Mun. I grateful to have you here, and remember to love yourself today! ♥ ♥ ♥

what soothe me, soothes you ♥